Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

Rolling Fitness Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a community-focused martial arts club for kids and adults. We are a CAZA BJJ Australia affiliated academy which is led by 4th degree Black Belt Yoshinori Hasegawa located in Noosa, Queensland.

  • Brazilian jiu-jitsu is not only a sport but an art that teaches practitioners to control their aggression and instead use that energy to find harmony through extreme discipline and understanding.

    Using intricate yet fundamental techniques taken from the likes of Judo, traditional Jiu-Jitsu, and other creative martial arts, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu has since developed into a superior means of learning and practicing strategic and critical thinking, and perseverance, both on the mat and in life.

    1. Creating a safe and supportive learning environment: Make sure your students feel comfortable and confident in their ability to learn. Establish clear boundaries and expectations for behavior and encourage students to ask questions and seek help when needed.

    2. Focusing on fundamentals: Jiu jitsu is a complex martial art with many techniques and strategies. Start by teaching students the basics, such as positions, grips, and submissions, before moving on to more advanced techniques.

    3. Using visual aids: Demonstrations, diagrams, and videos can be helpful tools for illustrating techniques and reinforcing learning. Encourage students to practice techniques and drills with partners to reinforce their understanding.

    4. Providing feedback: Regular feedback is important for helping students improve their technique and develop their skills. Be specific and constructive in your feedback, highlighting what students are doing well and providing suggestions for areas that need improvement.

    5. Encouraging a growth mindset: Encourage students to view challenges and mistakes as opportunities for growth and learning, rather than failures. This can help them stay motivated and continue to improve their skills over time.


    1. Bow to the center of the mat when you enter and exit.

    2. If you are late wait for instructor’s permission to enter mat area.

    3. If you need to leave the mat area ask instructor for permission to exit mat area.

    4. Bow or shake hands with partner before and after practice.

    5. Be attentive when the instructor is speaking or teaching.

    6. The highest ranking student will conduct the instruction and unless identified to do so, students are not to teach.

    7. All gi’s/kimonos/uniforms must be clean for every class.

    8. Training should be mutually beneficially to both you and your partner so work together.

    9. The main focus in Jiu-Jitsu is technique acquisition, therefore students are recommended to be methodical and vigilant in their training.

    10. During sparing all new students have the option of sitting and observing.

    11. During training, if you are at risk of being injured or a position is hurting you either say STOP or firmly TAP your partner and this will tell your partner to immediately stop applying any technique.

    12. Safety is a primary concern when training.

    13. Self-control and good sportsmanship are mandatory. There is a mutual benefit as these behaviors optimize your training and build a strong sense of team.


    “All of the personal hygiene and care requirements are based under the concept of team fellowship in that they following characteristics demonstrate respect to one another, to the instructor and to the dojo.”

    1. All nails must be trimmed (fingers & toes)

    2. Long hair must be pulled back.

    3. A daily bath and use of under arm deodorant is mandatory

    4. Open cuts and abrasions must be covered with the appropriate dressing.

    5. If you are infected with a transferable fungus and bacterial infections such as ring worm, staphylococcus, etc. training or use of the facility is prohibited until fully cleared.

    6. Attention to personal hygiene is mandatory. All students are required to be clean and free of foul orders. Professors hold the right to ask a student to leave is good personal hygiene is not being followed.

Our instructors

Prof. Ronaldo Ronaldo

Prof. Felix Raiss


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Get in touch

To book a class, sign up for a membership, or simply learn more about our Jiu-Jitsu services, contact us today!