Recovery oasis

Our recovery suite is purposefully designed to foster longevity and well-being through a personalised and intimate experience. Whether you seek solitude for some 'me time' to recharge or prefer to share the journey with a couple of friends, our space accommodates up to three people. We ensure that each visit contributes not just to immediate relaxation and recovery, but also to your enduring health and vitality. Unwind and recover together in a setting that supports both the short bursts of respite and the long-term maintenance of your well-being.

Ice Baths

Also known as cold water immersion, are a popular recovery method among athletes. The cold temperatures help reduce inflammation and muscle soreness, speed up recovery, and improve circulation. At Rolling Fitness, our ice baths are maintained at optimal temperatures and monitored for cleanliness and safety.

  • Immersion in cold water can help to reduce inflammation and swelling in muscles after an intense workout, helping to speed up the recovery process.

  • Ice baths have been shown to help decrease muscle soreness after strenuous activity.

  • The cold temperatures constrict blood vessels, and when you get out, they dilate. This process helps to flush out waste products from the muscles and supply them with oxygenated blood.

Infrared Sauna

Unlike traditional saunas, infrared saunas use infrared lamps to warm your body directly. This results in a deep, detoxifying sweat at a cellular level, where toxins reside. Regular sessions in our infrared sauna can help you relax, relieve stress, improve circulation, and promote healthier skin.

  • Sweating in an infrared sauna can help to eliminate toxins from the body.

  • The heat from the sauna can help to relax muscles and relieve tension in the body, promoting stress reduction.

  • Regular use of an infrared sauna can stimulate blood flow, improve muscle recovery, and decrease pain and inflammation.

  • The sweating achieved in an infrared sauna can help clear the skin of impurities, leading to healthier, clearer skin.

Dynamic pneumatic compression

  • The system consists of inflatable chambers (usually sleeves or boots) that are placed around the limbs or other body parts. These chambers are made of specialized materials and are connected to a control unit.

  • The control unit inflates and deflates the chambers in a sequential manner, creating a wave-like pattern of pressure that moves along the limb. This sequential pulsing mimics the natural muscle pump mechanism, which helps to promote venous return and lymphatic drainage.

  • As the chambers inflate, they gently compress the tissues, which helps to push blood and lymphatic fluid towards the heart. When the chambers deflate, the pressure is released, allowing fresh oxygenated blood to flow back into the tissues. This process enhances circulation, reduces swelling, and facilitates the removal of metabolic waste products from the muscles.

  • By improving circulation and reducing muscle soreness and inflammation, dynamic pneumatic compression can expedite the recovery process. It can help athletes recover more quickly after intense training sessions or competitions, allowing them to perform at their best.